Messages from Diverse Sources
Monday, August 26, 2024
Imminent War in Europe
Message of the Blessed Virgin Mary to Melanie in Germany from August 9, 2024

War and Disease in Europe - Russia in Sudden War against Germany -
USA under Military Attack as Economic Crisis Erupts -
The Blessed Virgin Mary appears to the seer Melanie and she looks very sad.
At the beginning, various inner images appear. She sees a single jet in connection with a wave. This jet drops many bombs vertically at intervals of seconds, the explosion of which is not visible.
In the next image, another single jet with a colorful pattern appears. The image changes to a whirlwind of sand.
The jet flies off towards the horizon. At first it can be seen alone, then the sky fills up with rows of other jets.
The sky is covered like a “carpet” of jets.
An anxious feeling spreads through the seer and that of a great threat. The “carpet” of jets spreads further and further across Europe.
More and more countries are being covered by this dense, dark carpet flying over Europe.
The view changes as if one was looking out of a skyscraper over a big city.
The dense “carpet” of jets flies over the city. All that can be seen is a dense, dark blanket of clouds through which only the occasional small sunspot shines through. This menacing dark shadow passes over Europe.
The seer shudders.
The war will spread. The people feel surrounded by darkness and are afraid.
Another blanket of darkness lies over the darkness of the jets - a disease.
There is an image of a city with a dark blanket of clouds above it. A black fog is drifting over this darkness - death. It spreads across Europe.
The focus shifts to Italy. Italy will suffer greatly from this threat.
All in all, the pictures mean that a disease will appear and spread at the same time as the war. There will be many deaths.
Mary keeps looking sad and expresses her regret. She indicates that there is something else in the future that she wants to point out.
Mary looks warningly. She makes it clear that there is little time left and that an escalation and accompanying expansion of the war on the part of Russia is imminent. From one day to the next, the war with Russia escalates. No one expects this escalation.
It looks like a surprise attack that will come from Russia on Germany.
Mary bends over the seer, comforting her. She envelops the seer in her love and speaks to her well.
Mary asks the seer if she is ready for another prophecy. It is about America again. Mary and the seer stand on the familiar platform at the Grand Canyon which symbolizes the whole of the USA. The seer sees fireballs falling from the air onto America.
The USA will burn under massive military attacks.
Mary suggests that the American population should prepare for this and stock up on food.
In the course of this war there will be a currency crash.
Mary asks the American people to increase their prayer efforts.
She sees the efforts and prayers of many. These have already had a positive effect.
The country needs many more intercessors and many more prayers to counteract the horrors of war and poverty.
In order to achieve a real impact of change or aversion the entire country would have to pray together.
Mary bids farewell with a greeting of peace.
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
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